Saturday 10 December 2011

some without money?

over the years i've thought a lot about bartering and at times have even participated in this form of trade. but what if we were to do this on a larger scale and make it a regular part of our lives?

this afternoon a friend pointed me in the direction of someone who has taken bartering to a whole other level. check out this article about a 69-year old woman that hasn't used money for the last 15 years...with all her needs met and then some. and she's happy.

so although many of us are not yet in a space to take on such an ambitious project, i definitely think there are ways for us to incorporate more bartering into our lives and free up some space in our budget. here are some ideas:
  • organize a meal exchange with a friend or group of friends, especially if you live alone. prepare several servings of a meal and share with your friend once or twice a week, and then switch. saves time and money to cook in larger batches...and oftentimes food can go to waste if we cook for ourselves.
  • organize a clothing swap among friends and family. great way to clear out the closet and spruce up your wardrobe.
  • barter your time or skills - know a handyman or a mechanic? barter home cooked meals, bookkeeping or cleaning services for small repairs or your next car tune up.
  • other things you can barter with friends, family + your community - books, DVDs, CDs, homegrown fruits and vegetables, childcare, lawn care, snow removal....the sky's the limit.
another great initiative that I've participated in is the barter babes project. check them out for some more ideas.

598 more days :)

by the way, still working towards the $500 prize being offered by givemebackmyfivebucks and life insurance finder, the life insurance experts in their financial bucket list contest.

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