Monday 12 December 2011

day 595 update

hope everyone had a good weekend.
well i must say, only 5 days into this 600 day plan and my journey to financial freedom is well underway.
as i mentioned in an earlier post, part of my plan to pay off my debts as quickly as possible was to contact friends and family that i've loaned money to in the past. well today my good friend came through on part of what is owed (we agreed to a payment plan) and i've just deposited $1270.00 into my account. so once it clears, guess where it's going? you got it, straight onto my highest interest debt owing.
never thought i'd be so excited about paying the piper but you know, the quicker this is over with, the sooner i can get on with working towards the future (perhaps even retirement).

so, now i pull out my trusty debt snowball calculator spreadsheet and punch in this extra payment that i didn't account for in my original plan - because let's be honest, why count your chickens before they've hatched? so thanks to this little surprise, a full 30 days has been taken off this journey, give or take. so i could very well be in the clear by june 2013!

might be adjusting the plan later this week when another friend plans on returning $400.00 i loaned them. and if that comes in before the end of this month, we could very well be looking at a debt free day sometime in may 2013.

feeling empowered.

thanks for checking in.

just one more day until the conclusion of the $500 financial bucket list contest being offered by givemebackmyfivebucks and life insurance finder, the life insurance experts. check out their blog for some great tips on savings!

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