Tuesday 13 December 2011

day 594 report

business has been booming this month and there's no sign of things letting up. if things continue on this path, i'll definitely be able to make a few extra payments towards my debts early in the new year. and perhaps even earlier if i stay on track with invoicing on time.

today i was thinking a lot about cashflow and how not staying on top of paperwork really held me back from tackling this mountain of debt ($44k and falling!). i would sometimes delay invoicing clients which is a HUGE no-no when you're self-employed. most times i didn't really want to be dealing with any more paper work after a long hard day (usually 10-12 hours in front of a screen) so i'd just let invoicing wait till tomorrow. always tomorrow...until nearly a month passed by. twice now in 2011...and to the point where clients were emailing me asking if i'd like to be paid! (sigh) it has been an incredibly busy year mind you so i'm not going to beat myself up over it.

anyway, i've always managed to get by comfortably, but as part of this plan i've put a stop to this. i now invoice on a weekly basis, batch processing this paperwork and quickbooks entries for greater efficiency. feels a lot better to be on top of things and waaaaaay easier to invoice when things are still fresh in your head. another obvious benefit to all of this is having a clearer picture of where you stand at all times. so now i have a better idea of what i'm making and spending on a weekly basis.

anyway, time for some rest. it's been a long day.

if you haven't checked it out yet, there's just one more day until the conclusion of the $500 financial bucket list contest being offered by givemebackmyfivebucks and life insurance finder, the life insurance experts. check out their blog for some great tips to help you on the road to financial freedom!

night ★

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